With AXIOM 7.0, Magnet Forensics focused on the needs of the DFIR community to deliver new features that can enable more effective collaboration, better support CSAM investigations with AI technology, and help you uncover key evidence even more quickly and easily!
Optimized workflow and the ability to examine more artefacts by:
Including new AI technology from Thorn to identify illicit content
Introducing Tag and Comment Export to Magnet REVIEW
Introducing Privileged Material Workflow
Enhancing the multi-artefact view in the Artifact Explorer
And more!
If you haven’t tried AXIOM or AXIOM Cyber yet, request a free trial here.
Using Thorn’s CSAM Classifier to Identify Illicit Content Faster
Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) investigations can often take the biggest toll on law enforcement agencies. As part of our commitment to seek justice and protect the innocent, we’ve partnered with Thorn—a company that shares our commitment to developing solutions to help investigators bring justice to those who victimize children— and are now leveraging their CSAM Image Classifier to improve the detection of CSAM across picture and video artefacts.
Thorn’s CSAM Image Classifier is a machine-learning classification model that will co-exist with Magnet.AI. The addition of this tool offers you another way to quickly and easily identify victims of child sexual abuse by automatically categorizing illicit pictures and videos, minimizing the manual effort required to review images in CSAM cases and reducing exposure to promote officer wellness..

Tag/Comment Export to Review
We believe a collaborative, centralized approach to evidence review is essential to digital investigations. This is one of the reasons Magnet Forensics built Magnet REVIEW–a web-based evidence review platform, purpose-built for non-technical users, that allows you to securely share all digital evidence in one central location from anywhere with an internet connection.
As part of AXIOM 7.0, it is exciting to see further improve collaboration between Magnet Forensics products by enabling the ability to export tags from AXIOM Examine to REVIEW as part of the export package.
REVIEW is optimized to ingest data from AXIOM, allowing users to customize what evidence fields non-technical REVIEW users easily see. By utilizing AXIOM's processing and analytics power, users can easily import computer, mobile, and cloud evidence into REVIEW with just a few clicks. As examiners export the case they’ve worked on, using this new feature in AXIOM, any tags added by them before publishing in REVIEW will now carry over to REVIEW. Tags automatically added in AXIOM, via tag known files with matching hash values or Magnet.AI, can contain valuable insights that investigators may want to leverage in REVIEW.
Privileged Material Workflow
The rise in digital devices and the volume of digital data has substantially increased the number of cases requiring digital investigation. This increases the likelihood of law enforcement encountering privileged material—such as an email or text conversation between a lawyer and their client— on a suspect’s seized device.
AXIOM 7.0 supports users dealing with Privileged Material challenges in their workflow by allowing users to tag or exclude artefact evidence from case data during processing based on a keyword list.
Using this feature, a case examiner can load the list of keywords and choose to either tag or exclude artefacts containing those keywords. This can be helpful where a manual review process is utilized to remove the content or in scenarios where it must automatically be excluded.
Multi-Artifact View Enhancement to Artifact Explorer
In AXIOM 6.5, a new view to Timeline was introduced that highlights valuable data directly in the table, making it easier to understand what happened during a specific time in your case. We are now introducing this same view to the Artifact Explorer when viewing multiple artifacts simultaneously. This new artifact view will help you uncover the most pertinent information for your case by showing you the most essential details for each artifact.

If you haven’t tried AXIOM or AXIOM Cyber yet, request a free trial here.